

Parsa Mohammadian

My name is Parsa Mohammadian. I recently got my B.Sc. in Computer Engineering at the Sharif University of Technology and I just started my M.A.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto. My research interests are:

If you are interested in my background, you can see my up-to-date CV on Overleaf.

As a computer scientist, I have always enjoyed studying theoretical computer science, but I find myself more mighty in the practical aspects. I admire the open-source mindset. I prefer to use open-source alternatives and open-source my projects whenever possible. My ultimate professional goal is to create something of value and better the future of mankind.

On-Going Research Projects

Previous Research Projects

WIDESim (B.Sc. Thesis)

Distributed and Multi-agent Systems Laboratory, Sharif University of Technology

Supervisor: Dr. Mohammad Izadi, Dr. Hajar (Maryam) Siar

WIDESim is a toolkit for simulating resource management techniques of scientific Workflows in Distributed Environments with graph topology. It is written in Java based on the CloudSim simulator. The development is finished, and we are currently working on the paper.

Metaheuristic Fog Scheduling

Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory, Sharif University of Technology

Supervisor: Dr. Mohsen Ansari

The fog computing environment is a distributed system that consists of a large number of heterogeneous devices. Scheduling resources in the fog computing environment is a challenging problem. Metaheuristic algorithms, on the other hand, can be used to find near-optimal solutions for optimization problems in a reasonable amount of time. That makes them a perfect candidate for solving the fog scheduling problem. In this project, we are trying to compare the performance metaheuristic algorithms (specifically Artificial Gorilla Troops Optimization and Reptile Search Algorithm) with the state-of-the-art algorithms in the fog scheduling problem using the CloudSim simulator.



As a human being, I am always curious about the world around me. I love reading about history and philosophy. I think being born in Iran, a country with a rich history and literature, was a great gift for me. I also love bodybuilding, running, and chess.

I love talking to people. Feel free to message me if you want to chat about anything. You can find me by the username parsa2820 everywhere I go.