
Sharif AI Challenge 2022 Introduction

Sharif AI Challenge 2022 was an AI competition held by Sharif University of Technology in summer 2022. I was one of the two technical managers of the competition. I wanted to write a post about the technical aspects of the competition for almost a year now, but I didn’t have the time to do so. (Well, maybe I was a bit lazy too!)

Anyway, I finally decided to write number of short posts about different aspects of the competition and the technical challenges we faced, instead of one long post.

In this post, I will give a brief introduction to the competition and the technical team. In the future, I will update this post with links to other posts.

Generally, Sharif AI Challenge is a competition in which high school and university students compete in teams of 3 to write an AI agent for a strategy game. The game is usually a modified version of a popular game. For example, in 2022, the game was a modified version of Scotland Yard board game. The game design is done by the game design team, and the technical team is responsible for implementing the game engine, the game server, and the game client. The technical team is also responsible for event website, game graphics, competition infrastructure, and all of the other technical aspects of the competition.

The technical team is divided into 4 sub-teams:

  • Web team
  • Game team
  • Graphics team
  • Infrastructure team

I will write about each of these teams in separate posts in the future and link them here.