
Vim Is The Best

Recently I was working on a large JSON file similar to the one below.

  "fog_devices": [
      "neighbors": [

Afterwards, I understood that I should have written neighbors as a list of dictionaries instead of a list of strings as shown below.

  "fog_devices": [
      "neighbors": [
        { "neighbor_id": "cloud_device_0" },
        { "neighbor_id": "edge_device_1" },
        { "neighbor_id": "phone" },
        { "neighbor_id": "camera" },
        { "neighbor_id": "car" }

I was not looking forward to manually changing each line. I knew that Vim macros would be the best way to go about this and I was using Vim plugin on IntelliJ IDEA. So here is what I did.

  1. I opend the file and moved the cursor to the first line of the neighbors list.
  2. I pressed qa to start recording a macro in register a.
  3. I pressed 0 to move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
  4. I pressed f" to move the cursor to the first " character.
  5. I pressed i{ "neighbor_id": to insert { "neighbor_id": at the beginning of the line.
  6. I pressed Esc to exit insert mode.
  7. I pressed f" twice to move the cursor to the second " character.
  8. I pressed a } to insert ` }` at the end of the line.
  9. I pressed Esc to exit insert mode.
  10. I pressed j to move the cursor to the next line.
  11. I pressed q to stop recording the macro.

Now I had a macro that would convert a line from the first format to the second format. I had to move the cursor to the each line of the neighbors list and run the macro by pressing @a.

All of this took me less than a minute. However, IntelliJ IDEA supports macros as well. So it may be possible to do the same thing without Vim, but why bother when Vim is the best and I can have it on all of my IDEs.